Volume 3, Issue 1 (2009)
Editorial Note - Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009
Porbaha, A., Brown, D. A., & Zafir, Z.
Evaluating Axial Elastic Pile Response from Cone Penetration Tests
Mayne, P. W. & Niazi, F.
Test Pile Program to Determine Axial Capacity and Pile Setup for the Biloxi Bay Bridge
Thompson, III, W. R., Held, L. & Saye, S.
Reduction of Local Scour Around Cylindrical Bridge Piers Using Upstream Protective Piles
Bhattacharya, A. K. & Basack, S.
Soil Inclusions in Jet Grout Columns
Stark, T. D., Axtell, P. J., Lewis, J., Dillon, J., Empson, W., Topi, J. & Walberg, F.
Effect of Pressurized Drilling Methods on the Lateral Load Capacity of Drilled Shafts - A Practical Insight and an Analytical Approach
Bezgin, O.
Development of Design Practice for Piles in Stiff Glacial Till
Gavin, K.