NOISE-CON 2025 Short Courses
All Courses will be held on Sunday, June 8, 2025
Registration for the courses will open when the conference registration opens in January.
You do not have to register for the conference to attend the short courses.
Certificates will be provided after completion of the course.
INCE Fundamentals Prep Course & Exam
Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm ET (course), 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm ET (fundamentals exam)
Cost: $100 with purchase of NOISE-CON 2025 Registration; $200 without NOISE-CON 2025 Registration
Instructor: Andy Carballeira, ACENTECH
The INCE Fundamentals Exam may be used in partial fulfillment of the requirements for INCE Membership. A review session will be conducted from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm ET to prepare for the exam which will be conducted in-person and online. The exam will then only be offered online beginning at 4:00 pm ET. Please note that when registering for this course, you will be asked to upload a digital photo.
If you are interested in taking the Fundamentals Exam without taking the Short Course you can do so at no charge by sending your request to [email protected] – Please be sure to include your full name, address, email and contact phone number, and include Fundamentals Exam in the subject line.
New! Signal Processing Time: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Price: $400 per student
Instructor: Stephen A Hambric, Hambric Acoustics
Measured sound and vibration time histories are often processed into frequency-dependent power spectra. There are many ways to do this and the spectra can vary a lot depending on the processing parameters you choose. In this short course I will explain:
- The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) – the backbone of spectral processing
- The difference between power spectra and power spectral densities and which is best for analyzing tonal and broad-band signals
- Processing parameters like sampling rate, record length, windowing, and overlap
- Basic filters like low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and A-weighting
- Narrow-band and broad-band (octaves, one-third octaves) spectra
- Spectrograms (time-varying frequency spectra)
- Other tips and best practices
We’ll use the open-source software Audacity and my online signal processing demonstrator ( You will read various .wav files into Audacity and process them yourselves. You will export narrow-band spectra and import them into Microsoft Excel to compute one-third and full octave band spectra along with overall dB and dBA levels.
Acoustical Enclosures
Time: 8:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Price: $800 per student, includes lunch and morning and afternoon coffee/tea!
Instructors: David Herrin, Professor; Director, Vibro-Acoustics Consortium, University of Kentucky
Enclosures are commonly used to contain and control noise, among other purposes. This course will cover the theory and practical implications of acoustical enclosures, along with means to predict and assess the performance of enclosures. Some of the topics that will be covered include enclosure theory, full and partial enclosures, acoustical materials, ventilation treatments, leakage and seals, analysis via simulation and test, basic design guidance and validation.
Active Noise Control
Time: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Price: $400 per student
Instructor: Dr. Yangfan Liu, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
The history of active sound and vibration control technology can be dated back to its first documented attempt in the 1930s. Wave theory-based research on active control of sound and vibration started in 1950s. It first became a popular research area in 1990s, during that period, enormous studies were carried out, many effective active control signal processing algorithms were developed, and implementations were successful in a wide range of engineering applications, such as the control of noise in automobiles, aircraft, buildings, industrial environments, etc. After a one-decade “cooled-down” period, active sound and vibration control have recently reclaimed its research popularity. This is not only driven by the even wider range of application and commercialization potentials of this technology brought by the recent rocketing in the computing power of signal processing hardware together with its cost drop, but also by the unprecedented potential research outcomes if the recent research breakthroughs in other widely studied areas, such as artificial intelligence, computing technology, virtual reality, smart systems, perception-based engineering, etc., can find their ways in benefiting active control of sound and vibration.
This half-day short course introduces the fundamental concepts and theories related to active noise and vibration control, basic algorithms, as well as various typical applications of this technology.
Overview of Acoustic and Vibration Simulation Methods
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Price: $800 per student, includes morning coffee and lunch!
Instructors: Dr. Rabah Hadjit, ESI Group
Dr. Satya Deshpande, ESI Group
Numerical Simulation has become an accepted and essential part of interior and exterior acoustics and vibration design for a range of industries and products and especially for the vehicle industry in order to allow effective early design and to complement and reduce the amount of testing involved in product development. Well-established tools and modeling practices exist for several different simulation methods each of which has its own particular advantages and limitations based on frequency range, modeling objectives, and speed versus accuracy tradeoff and computer resource required. This full-day course is intended to offer to the test engineer, minimally to moderately experienced simulation engineer or those wishing to have a deeper understanding of one or more of the presented analysis methods an introduction to these different modeling techniques with the goal of improving understanding of the best applications to current state-of-the art vehicle acoustic and vibration design processes. The team of instructors offering significant acoustics and vibration simulation experience will present background, theory, practical application examples and discussion of several of the current state-of-art analysis useful methods listed in the agenda.
Morning: Introduction and Background of Noise and Vibration Simulation Methods
- Statistical Energy Analysis
- Overview & Basic Theory
- Practical Applications and Examples
- Use with Complex Sources including Aero-Vibro-Acoustics
- Boundary Element Method
- Overview & Basic Theory
- Practical Applications and Examples
Afternoon: Deterministic and Hybrid Methods
- Ray Tracing
- Overview & Basic Theory
- Practical Applications and Examples
- Use to Complement other Simulation Methods
- Hybrid Finite Element & SEA Combination
- Overview & Basic Theory
- Practical Applications and Examples
- State-of-the-Art and Evolution of Hybrid Method