NOISE-CON 2025 Opportunities for Students!!
NOISE-CON 2025 will have many opportunities for students, including student-only activities, mentoring and career counseling, special sessions, as well as competitions, awards and prizes.
Discounted Registration
Student Registration is only $115.
Student Volunteers
Student volunteers will primarily help out in the technical sessions to make sure that everything is running smoothly, but may have other duties. Registration is free for student volunteers. Please contact Sunit Girdhar, NC25 student coordinator, for more information and to sign up.
NEW! Sunday Student Symposium
This symposium is a chance for students to hear directly from the industry professionals who have extensive experience of working on noise problems. The presenters come from different noise control backgrounds and the students will get a chance to experience how these industry veterans apply the noise control theory to practical problems they encounter in their professional worlds. The three presentations are followed by a networking event with light food and drink where the students will have an opportunity to interact with the presenters as well as other industry professionals to build invaluable relationships as they plan to enter the workforce. Space is limited. Indicate your interest in attending the symposium on the conference registration form at the bottom of the Short Courses selection page.
Sponsored by:
ABD Engineering & Design
Cross Spectrum Acoustics, Inc.
Epsilon Associates, Inc.
Metropolitan Acoustics
Noise Control Engineering
Smith Group
Student Lunch and Career Mentoring
All students and early career professionals are invited to attend this free lunch on Monday (12:15 to 1:45 pm). Learn how to get the most out of the conference and how to get more involved in INCE-USA. Meet with professional noise control engineers to discuss career choices, learn more about the companies or organizations they work for (or own), and understand what they are looking for in new employees. Sign up for the lunch when registering for the conference.
Sponsored by:

Awards and Prizes
INCE-USA, the INCE Foundation, the Halberg Foundation, and the National Council of Acoustical Consultants (NCAC) provides many awards and prizes to students. These are meant to encourage student participation in NOISE-CON 2025. Please see below for the many discounts and awards that are being offered.
Hallberg Foundation Award (for student travel)
Award: Depends on the year. In 2024, it was $1,000.
Deadline: At Noise-Con 2025 Registration
INCE-USA is pleased to be able to offer the Hallberg Foundation award, supporting undergraduate or graduate students traveling to NOISE-CON to present their work in all areas of noise control engineering. Multiple awards will be offered. This award is funded by the INCE Foundation through an endowment from the Elizabeth L. and Russell F. Hallberg Foundation.Download the Hallberg Award application here. Student travel awardees must be Student Associates of INCE-USA. Applications to become an INCE-USA Student Associate are available at and membership is free for students.
National Council of Acoustical Consultants (NCAC) Student Travel Awards
Award: $500 grant and reimbursement for two nights in a hotel at the conference group rate or less
Deadline: May 1, 2025
The National Council of Acoustical Consultants (NCAC) is an INCE-USA partner organization and offers travel grants for students to attend INCE-USA conferences. Students who are enrolled in a university program and are an author of an accepted paper under a qualifying research topic are eligible. Application materials can be found on the NCAC website. This award is not administered by INCE-USA and questions should be directed to NCAC.
INCE-USA and INCE Foundation Student Awards
Award Eligibility for INCE-USA Student Awards
A person who has won any of the student/young professional awards previously is not eligible this year for that same award. Participating in the Student Paper Competition does not affect eligibility for the travel award. Awardees are determined solely by the INCE-USA Honors and Awards Committee and any independent volunteers who may be solicited by the committee. The INCE-USA Honors and Awards Committee will make awards based on nominee/applicant qualifications and available funding. Many thanks to the generous donors who make these awards possible.
INCE Student Scholarship
Award: Certificate and $6,000
Deadline: March 15, 2025
The INCE Student Scholarship is granted to a college student studying noise control or architectural acoustics in the United States of America who, through personal qualifications and proposed research experience, is judged to exhibit the highest potential for performing research benefiting some aspect of noise control and promoting its usefulness to society. An application must be received from each candidate wishing to be considered for this award.
Download the application here
Leo Beranek Student Medal for Excellence in Noise Control
Deadline: March 15, 2025
The Leo Beranek Student Medal is awarded annually to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students at those academic institutions in North America that have courses in, or related to, Noise Control Engineering, including practical applications. Each institution may nominate up to two students (two graduate, two undergraduate, or one of each). Nomination forms are due Friday, March 10. Further information may be found at Beranek Medal. An application must be received from each candidate wishing to be considered for this award.Download the application here
Martin Hirschorn IAC Prize - Graduate Student Project Award
Award: Certificate and $4000
Deadline: March 15, 2025
This award is granted as a contribution to the education of a graduate student studying noise control engineering in the United States of America who proposes a project related to an application of noise control engineering and/or acoustical conditioning of architectural spaces. An application must be received for each candidate wishing to be considered for this award, which shall contain detailed information about the student and the proposed project including a commitment to publish the results of the project in a form suitable for the Noise Control Engineering Journal.
Download the application here
Student Paper Competition
Award: Certificate and $500-$1,500
Deadline: At abstract submission
INCE-USA is pleased to announce a Student Paper Competition for NOISE-CON 2025, with up to five awards given to the most outstanding papers. The Winners of the Student Paper Competition Awards will receive $500 USD, plus an additional $500 award if they attend the Awards Ceremony. If a winning paper is expanded and accepted after peer review for publication in the Noise Control Engineering Journal, the student will receive an additional $500 award.
Download the application here
Classic Papers in Noise Control Engineering Competition
Award: Certificate and $1,000*
Deadline: At abstract submission
INCE-USA is sponsoring a special session of seminal noise control papers open to students, "Classic Papers in Noise Control Engineering" for Noise-Con 2025. Students will present on one of the classic papers listed in the entry form. An award will be given based on the student''s presentation itself. The abstract should focus on the main thrust of the original paper and the focus of the presentation, which could also include additional work that has been done by the student presenter. The additional work could include reproduction of the results in the original paper, additional analysis, or influence of the original paper on subsequent research or noise control practice, etc. A winner, as determined by the INCE-USA judging panel, will receive $1,000 *if she or he attends the Awards Ceremony.
Click here for the list of classic papers to choose from.