Getting to the NOISE-CON 2025 Conference
Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport (BTV)The Burlington Vermont airport is the closest airport to the venue (about 55 minutes). You can also fly to Montreal, Canada which is about 2.75 hours (don’t forgot your passport to get over the U.S. border) or Boston, MA (3.75 hours). Burlington is a nonstop or one-stop flight from most major airports.

Arriving from the Airport
Stowe is a little less than a one-hour drive from the Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport (BTV). There is no public transportation from the airport to Stowe, other than Uber or taxi. Uber is generally not available in Stowe. However, NOISE-CON 2025 has arranged private shuttle buses on Sunday and Wednesday which you can sign up for $60 each way on the conference registration site. Signups are due no later than May 6. Otherwise, it is best to rent a car or share a car with a colleague. If you do rent a car, reserve one early to ensure availability. While you can get Uber and taxi to the resort from the airport, it may cost between $100 and $200 each way. Lyft is not available in the region.
Once at the resort, ride-sharing services are not reliable options. However, there are local taxi services. Use this link to find more about transportation in and around Stowe. Note that the Mountain Road Shuttle between the resort and the village of Stowewilll not be operating during the conference.